Wealth planning
Challenge our expertise
Today, in a constantly evolving global environment (legal, fiscal and financial), a good wealth planning strategy cannot be limited to a selection of financial products, and must take advantage of the opportunities offered by legislation or case law.
Convinced of this imperative need, the wealth planning team’s first mission is to provide a complete overview of your personal goals and life projects, and to verify their adequacy with your actual wealth planning. If this adequacy can be improved, and/or if it detects areas of vulnerability, our engineers will provide you in a personalized written document, with several insights / recommendations enabling you to neutralize the risks. They will be able to assist you in implementing these recommendations, alongside your usual advisors, complying with the binding regulations.
Beyond this initial meeting, the Wealth Planner also ensures a legal and fiscal watch, aiming to constantly inform you on the necessary evolutions, as well as on the important personal deadlines (cessation of activity, reaching 70 years old, …).

The discreet charm of wealth planning for start-uppers
From its multiple contacts with the world of French Tech, Banque Richelieu reached the conviction that for the young leader of French Tech, wealth-planning support has its place along with his usual advisors.
On many subjects, ranging from the usefulness of a personal holding company to the future optimization of the sale of the company, to the protection of the spouse and young children, the wealth planning team raises awareness among these pioneers of the France of tomorrow, and helps them implement the necessary tools for foreseeable short/medium term developments.
Banque Richelieu offers you the option to customize the reporting of your assets
> wherever they are kept: at Banque Richelieu or at other banking or insurance Establishments
> whatever their form: shares, bonds, structured products, direct investments in securities, UCITS, SCPI shares or unlisted securities, etc.
> regardless of their management and ownership method
You consequently benefit from a global vision of your financial wealth and will be able to closely follow the evolution of your assets.
These reports, developed on demand or in the form of a subscription, are fully customizable according to the information you want to highlight. They allow you to visualize performance and better understand the risks to which your assets are likely to be exposed.