The Group
Banque Richelieu France

Our origins are part of a long European banking tradition where major names in finance have followed one another over the centuries up to the contemporary period.
Just before the 2000s, the Kredietbank Luxembourg group, over a period of twenty years, has undertaken to successively buy out the entities from the large financial dynasties with their skills, their histories and identities, to found KBL Monaco Private Bankers, KBL France, and then KBL Richelieu through the merger of KBL France and Richelieu Finance in 2008.
2018 marked a turning point with a new European project managed from Paris. In April 2018, Société Générale de Banque au Liban created a Paris – based holding company, Compagnie Financière Richelieu, and incorporated the three operational subsidiaries it had just been authorised to buy in July 2018 – Banque Richelieu France, Banque Richelieu Monaco and Richelieu Gestion – to it.
This heralded the birth of the Banque Richelieu brand which, through its heritage, promotes a modern and human approach to private banking to continuously support private and professional clients.

A French family human-sized Group
Deeply anchored in our history, we draw from our origins, the wisdom, the strength and the resources necessary to go through trials serenely, by constantly reinventing ourselves.
The French family human-sized banking Group, specialized in wealth management and managed from Paris by the Compagnie Financière Richelieu holding company, is composed of three subsidiaries, Banque Richelieu France, Banque Richelieu Monaco and Richelieu Gestion, totally focused on their clients and constantly adapting to their requests with a recognized speed of execution. It is this agility and this ability to respond in all circumstances to their queries and search for opportunities that our clients and prospects, whether individuals or professionals, most often multi-banked, are looking for.